CTM Publishing
CTM Publishing
The basis of the music publishing company is formed by an innovative, solid, transparent and reliable accounting system (Counterpoint) that guarantees a global registration and collection of all works. This is always vital to any writers, as fundamentally important as A&R and creativity. It is crucial to be proactive in the creative process of songwriting, matching the right songwriter to the artist, or finding the right artist for the song. This “hands on” personal interaction with our writers and clients creates the real difference in publishing. In addition a lot of effort and attention is put into developing outstanding relationships with relevant parties such as advertising agencies and TV companies to promote our clients’ music.
Independent yet global: The international scope of CTM Publishing is formed through a network of own companies and agents throughout the world, so that copyrights are adequately represented and managed on a worldwide scale.
Standing out from the competition starts with offering services that really make a difference. CTM offers several ‘in-house studios’ around the globe (the Netherlands, Belgium, Miami, LA, Nashville, Sweden), always available for composers to work on new material. Offering the best songwriting, producing and recording facilities is significant in establishing the best personal connection with songwriters, producers and artists. It also provides a safe haven for new talent to explore possible collaborations with other songwriters and performing artists, and most important, a place to write hits.
We are very proud to be the largest independent publisher with regard to subpublishing, representing many successful catalogs from all over the world. In territories such as the USA, UK, Australia, Germany and France CTM Publishing represents successful active composers as well as some wonderful timeless copyrights. Below a selection of some successful copyrights we represent: